Plan and record your progress through the Wainwright Fells of the Lake District.
This Wainwright Google map shows the entire Lake District, each Wainwright Fell is clearly marked using a different coloured pin for each of the 7 Wainwright Fell areas defined by Alfred Wainwright. Each area can be independently turned on/off using the checkboxes and you can centre an area by clicking the relevant 'Go to' button. Hovering over a fell marker on the map will highlight the particular fell on the left hand list and visa versa. The list is broken down into areas and ordered by alphabet within the areas. Clicking on a Wainwright Fell either in the list or on the map will reveal a popup box with further information on the fell. You can click the '+' symbol on a fell to centre and zoom in. Click on any fell marker to centre it within the map bounds. Finally you can switch between conventional map, conventional map with terrain, satellite imagery or streetview.
The data for this map was provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License by
The Wainwright Fells are situated in the beautiful Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England. They comprise of 214 Lakeland fells and were defined by the late Alfred Wainwright; Wainwright was an avid fell walker, guide book author and illustrator. He began documenting the fells in 1952 driven by a keen interest in walking and the Lake District. Initially the work was intended for his own personal use and it wasn't until 1955 he decided to publish book 1 of the Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells (the Eastern Fells), he would later publish a further 6 books between 1955 and 1966. The complete series covers all 214 fells in meticulous detail, the result of a 13 year labour of love, the detail in the guides is impeccable and so it is to no surprise that the seven-book series became the standard reference material for Wainwright Fell enthusiasts the world over. To this day they are still consulted by thousands of walkers following in his footsteps, all falling in love with this beautiful part of the world thanks to the tireless workings of one man who set out to document 214 of his favourite fells.